Our team will do everything we can to save your teeth, but occasionally a tooth extraction is still needed. We may decide to extract a tooth for one of many different reasons. Our job is to ensure your teeth are as healthy as possible.

Why Would I Need a Tooth Extracted?

Many people have tooth extractions due to one issue or another. The reason may include one or more of the following:

  • You have an extra tooth that is blocking your other teeth from moving or coming in properly.
  • Your child’s baby tooth won’t fall out on its own, causing the adult tooth to grow in at an angle.
  • Your child needs braces and teeth need to be removed to make room for the adult teeth to move around properly.
  • Your tooth has become severely infected and is putting your other teeth at risk for infection. Cancer patients are also susceptible to tooth infections.
  • Your tooth has been decayed or damaged beyond repair.

Regardless of what is wrong with your tooth, we will first do what we can to treat the problem. We may try a root canal to get rid of infected tooth pulp, or we might be able to use a crown to protect the tooth. We only extract teeth when necessary.

I Need an Extraction—Now What?

Our dental team can help your extraction treatment move quickly and efficiently. We use local anesthesia so you don’t feel any pain. The Dentist then removes your tooth using a special tool called an elevator—this process can be done in just a few minutes.

After a tooth extraction, our staff members can show you how to take care of your mouth when you’re at home. Remember to eat soft foods when you’re ready and to be careful not to loosen the blood clots. You can develop a dry socket.

Don’t Wait for Dental Treatment, Call Our Office Today!

Do you have a tooth that is bothering you or causing you pain? Don’t wait! Call Columbia Family Dental today to schedule an appointment. We want to see you as quickly as possible, so you can start feeling better.